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Shia Mosques in New York

Shia Mosques in New York

Importance of Mosques in Islam Spiritual Significance Social and Cultural Roles Shia Mosques in New York Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Center (Jamaica, NY) Masjid Awliya of Allah Masjid-e-Ali Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (IMAM) Masjid Zawiyat Sof’Watul Islam Fatima Zahra Islamic Center Masjid Al-Saaliheen Majlis Ash-Shura: Islamic Leadership Council of New York Masjid Manhattan Masjid Al-Aman […]

Capital Talk

Mainstream discourse on Shia Genocide and sectarianism

Pakistan is home to a strong 40 million Shia community which has been subject to persecution for decades. To date, more than 22,000 Shia have been killed in an organised campaign nothing short of a genocide. The mainstream discourse on this ruthless killing of the Shia suggests that the Shia are killed because of ideological differences and abuse […]

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